Texas InstrumentsSemiconductors - Digital Signal Processing Solutions

TI TMS320C4x Parallel-processing DSPs

The TMS320C4x generation of floating-point digital signal processors is ideal for today's growing computation-intensive parallel-processing applications. With up to six on-chip communication ports and support for shared global memory on two external busses, designers can have direct processor-to-processor communication for unprecedented computation power and design flexibility.

The newest member of the 'C4x generation, the TMS320C44, is a lower cost parallel processing DSP. The 'C44 is completely compatible with the TMS320C40, has an address reach of 32 Mwords and features a low power mode that dramatically cuts power consumption. The lower cost, surface mount 'C44 device will enable high volume parallel processing applications that are more cost and power sensitive.

'C4x Key specifications:

'C4x Key applications:

                        Cycle      MEMORY(words)                            On-
Device   Freq           Time    On-Chip     Off-Chip       I/O~             Chip    Package
Name     (Mhz)  MIPS    (ns)    RAM  ROM    Dat/Pro     Par    DMA     Com  Timer   Type
C40-40    40     20     50      2K    4K#     4G*      4Gx32  Int/Ext   6    2      325 PGA
C40-50    50     25     40      2K    4K#     4G*      4Gx32  Int/Ext   6    2      325 PGA
C40-60    60     30     33      2K    4K#     4G*      4Gx32  Int/Ext   6    2      325 PGA
C44-40    50     25     40      2K    #       32M      32x32  Int/Ext   4    2      304 PQFP
C44-50    40     20     50      2K    #       32M      32x32  Int/Ext   4    2      304 PQFP
C44-60**  60     30     33      2K    #       32M      32x32  Int/Ext   4    2      304 PQFP
** These devices will be a available soon
Ser = Serial
Par = Parallel
DMA = Direct memory access
Com = parallel communication ports
Int Trans = internal transfer rate

* Single logical memory space for program, data, and I/O
# Boot loader is standard
% Industrial temperature version also available
^ Buffered-Serial Port

TMS320C4x - User's Guide
TMS320C40 Silicon Errata - All Speeds - Rev. 3.x Silicon
TMS320C40 60MHz Silicon Errata
TMS320C44 60MHz Silicon Errata
TMS320C4x - Parallel Processing Applications
TMS320C44 - Data Sheet

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